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Saturday, March 07, 2009


I don't get it. People have the right to not be pestered. If one person doesn't care for something that another person does to them, then that person should stop doing that specific thing. People have the right to be comfortable. The phrase "it doesn't hurt anybody" is understandable, but it seems like some people can't wrap their head around the idea that not everyone thinks the way they do. Although the fact I'm typing up stuff saying how someone believes in something that I do not shows that I am guilty of this too. Regardless, this is about not pestering people who don't want to be pestered. Is it necessary to pester a person? No. It's a choice. So, the only reason that the action must be continued is because the person performing the action wants to. If those affected do not want it, then they have a right to say so, and have that wish respected. At least I'd like to think so.

Where do people get the idea that they and their interests are above those of others? It's good to take care of yourself and your personal interests, but when they negatively affect another, then you should really look at the reasons behind doing them. If it's something like, "because I feel like it", and that is the sole reason, then how can you think it's right to do? Whatever happened to the idea that "if you don't want something done to you, don't do it to others". Or whatever the "golden rule" is. You would think these jokes would have grown old by now.

I'm not going to re-read or revise this, so I'm sure I said a lot of nonsensical crap and talked in circles and all that, but oh well. I'm just annoyed and thought it'd work well to post it here.

Also, I can't really stand third wave ska anymore. Does that mean I'm getting old or getting lame?

Pat Wilson -- "New Wave Lullabye" off of the Suburban Advantage EP. Not for sale, but buy this.

Devo -- "Freedom of Choice" off of Freedom of Choice. Buy it!

And of course, I recommend you support all of these artists (on vinyl, if at all possible).

So buy some records!

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