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Sunday, March 02, 2008

Black Francis!

So Black Francis is putting out a new EP/mini-album called Svn Fngrs. I was a bit surprised that I hadn't heard about this until very recently, pretty much just because both Pitchfork and Stereogum (the only two music news sites I check regularly) didn't have any features about it. Anyway, I'm listening through the album and the first song just surprised me. I don't really want to say that he raps in it, but there is a bit of talking I guess. Either way, I really like it as a whole, which is one of the two reasons* that I've decided to post this. Depending on how my day turns out tomorrow, I may elaborate on the album, but until then listen to the songs posted at Black's myspace. I'm pretty sure you can order the album off of that site eventually. If it shows up somewhere else, I'll post that as well.

*Other reason: I haven't made a post in a while.


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